Thursday 27 November 2014

social stereotypes

the character Moss from the IT crowd is a stereotypical science nerd. This is depicted through his RP accent, as well as the frizzy, unkempt hair, glasses, unusual dress sense and social awkwardness toward people. (He cannot speak to people, his only passion is science)
Mr Dawes from the film Mary Poppins is an extremely stereotypical working class English Victorian man. His clothes are dirty and ragged, he speaks in a (somewhat terrible) cockney accent and his face is dirty due to him being a chimney sweep

Colonel Dietrich from Raiders of the Lost Ark is an extremely stereotypical German Nazi in WW2 era Germany. This is depicted through his Aryan nature (blonde hair, blue eyes) His big, demanding posture and his emotionless and obedient tone.

Dr Evil from the Austin Powers trilogy is an extremely stereotypical antagonist (even though he is meant to be as it is a spoof film) This is signified through him being bald and scarred, having a notorious evil laugh, his main interest being "give me money or I will destroy the world" and most obviously, his name is "Dr Evil" for a reason

James Bond is a very stereotypical male protagonist and spy. He is strong, muscly, good looking and he towers over is enemies. He has slick back hair, he carries a gun around with him and he has an extremely good fashion sense, always being dressed for the occasion. This is a perfect example for a stereotypical suave superspy.

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