Tuesday 16 September 2014

Duffy ‘n’ Diet Coke

Today I have been looking at the Diet Coke advert that used synergy with the (somewhat) famous singer Duffy.

Unlike its lazy and unpopular distant sibling Coke Zero, diet coke is a drink which actually has a purpose and uses better themes and ideas to promote their drink. The advert mainly focuses on Duffy, who comes across as a fairly ordinary, twenty-something famous celebrity. It is clear that they chose her for the advert rather than an actor because she is a relatable, real human who can make decisions by herself instead of wooden responses via a script (like most people who star in modern advertisements) Due to the things she says such as “It’s great to do something else”, it is representing the fact that this advert is trying not to be your stereotypical, ‘drink diet coke and become superman advert’. Instead, the advert is giving the audience the impression that Diet Coke is a comfort drink. The main message seems to be ‘If you are a busy singer who constantly has to travel around on tours and whatnot, drinking diet coke will (hopefully) calm you down and prepare you for tough events.’ It also appeals to other women who aren’t particularly famous by representing it as a drink that you could just collapse onto the sofa and drink on a hectic Friday night, and relax you. The target audience is definitely women due to Duffy obviously being a woman and speaking to women in general.

Overall this is a good, reliable advert that speaks to its target audience and gives women something they either relate with or feel empathy towards people who do. It is not stereotypical; it excites viewers seeing a famous person drinking something they do and it also creates excitement for the drink. For example, after watching an advert like this one, it makes me really want a diet coke because it shows footage of everyone looking at Duffy as she drinks the diet coke, and the look of satisfaction and happiness on her face makes the audience want to feel like that, therefore making them want to drink a coke, which is what all adverts should include.

1 comment:

  1. Celebrity endorsement, rather than synergy, here. You show sound understanding of Diet Coke's target audience (women) and its message (Diet Coke offers busy young women some 'me time', allowing them to 'be themselves' in a busy life. You should quote to support this from Duffy's lyrics (I want to be free...to be me...to live not only survive..). Did you watch the 'making of' video as suggested? It explains the marketing strategy well.
    How are the brand colours incorporated into the commercial?
    Grade B/A
