Thursday 21 January 2016

The Lost Prince: Props and background to filming

One of the main props that we used during filming was a group of photos of the Lost Prince - titled Prince John, as this directly relates to the plot of our film which involves a photographer looking to take photos of this supposed 'Lost Prince'. Upon doing research about these real-life events, we discovered that Prince John was a royal prince to the house of Windsor, and last born son of King George V.

However, this young boy had extremely serious medical conditions such as severe epilepsy, therefore his family decided to hide him from the public view as not to damage the family name. In relation to our film, the primary location that the film is shot in is an old holiday home owned by the Royal Family that has since fallen into disrepair, but it is rumoured that this is where the Royal Prince died of an epileptic fit. As this Mansion was actually a real holiday home of Queen Victoria that she frequently visited, this same idea is used in our filming as the Mansion is an old family home, relatively remote from busy life where the Prince could have been hidden from the public in a house already owned by the Royal Family

Monday 18 January 2016

E4 Demographic

E4 is a substitute channel to channel 4 that was originally aired on 18 January 2001 (making today its fifteenth anniversary). It bears a resemblance to channel 4 as it plays many of the shows that air on channel 4, with the E in its title standing for 'entertainment' (which is very much its main ethos)

When researching into E4 audience I found out that when broadcasting starts at four , they target the younger end of their audience by showing cartoons and programmes primarily aimed at a younger audience. Then around six o’clock their then begins to target their older target audience by showing programmes such as Hollyoaks and Friends, as well as showings of programmes such as the Inbetweeners and The IT Crowd.

Generally, the most common viewing group (as well as its main target audience) is people of both genders ranging from around 15-35, although it does receive a more female audience. Its most watched programmes are The Inbetweeners and the Big Bang Theory, averaging on 3 million for the Inbetweeners and 2 million for The Big Bang Theory. Other popular programmes include Skins, the IT Crowd, Hollyoaks, The Cleveland Show, How I Met your Mother, Scrubs, Misfits and Made in Chelsea. The IT crowd was a successful sitcom that aired on Channel4 on 3rd February 2006, and followed the lives of two intelligent IT department workers with poor social skills, who have to deal with a new boss who knows absolutely nothing about IT.


Monday 12 October 2015

Pan Exam Practice

  1. This film is an action adventure fantasy and swashbuckler hybrid
  2. In this extract, the prominent conventions are that of speed and motion and combat and conflict. Many pan shots in the extract are used to connote speed and motion as there are several scenes in which boats are speeding across fantastical skylines and characters are swinging across vines or falling through the sky, which connotes speed and motion as the speed of the objects captivates the reader, leaving an uncertain fate of the characters, which is also created by the convention of combat and conflict, as many of the scenes in the trailer (due to it being a swashbuckler fantasy film) involve heavily choreographed swordfights between characters, connoting combat and conflict.
  3. The main protagonist in the extract is not a stereotypical hero as he is a young child, which is very anti-stereotypical as children are often seen as the victims in action and adventure due to the common belief that children are weak and vulnerable as they are young and inexperienced, which is countered by the representation of the boy in the extract, who possesses attributes especially courage, as when he is held at swordpoint he does not give in to his attacker, and keeps himself very calm in the situation (which connotes bravery and heroic qualities)